Boyfriend Broke Up With His Girlfriend After He Found Out She Was Born Male

A “heartbroken” boyfriend has spoken out and revealed he dumped his girlfriend after finding out she was actually born male and tried to hide that fact from him for nine months.

20-year-old Alex instantly clicked with a woman five years his senior after the two first saw each other. Following months of an intimate relationship, however, the man was shocked to find out that his lover was actually born male.

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After a mutual friend warned Alex about his partner’s past, the 20-year-old confronted his lover and dumped her on the spot.

“Everything was going well, everything was great, well I thought anyway,” the upset boyfriend told radio hosts Kyle and Jackie O.

“A mutual friend of ours, he’d been family friends of ours for years, since I was little. And what happened was, we were out one night, I came home with him, he was a bit drunk and he told me: ‘Look Alex, now I’ve been hiding something from you and so is your girlfriend. I think you need to know because I think it’s wrong and I can’t leave you thinking that this is a great, honest relationship.’”

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As Alex then found out, his girlfriend was born male and had undergone a gender change when she was 18 years old.

“When I found out, honestly I dropped, I didn’t believe him at first, it was mixed emotions, then I still didn’t believe him,” Alex added.

“So when I confronted her, I actually found her pills, I found her estrogen tablets… I just dropped, I felt cold, I felt angry, there was many emotions in one go.”

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As the deceived boyfriend added, he was in love with the girl but would never willingly date a transgender woman.

“I didn’t feel anything different. It felt like normal sex. When I confronted her, she was crying, she didn’t know what to say,” he added.

“But when you’re in a relationship, you think you could have trust, and at the start of the relationship, she should’ve been upfront and told me.

“You’ve got to have that trust at the start but to not even say anything, give me at least some sort of known of the past but nothing like that was said.

“It makes me feel sick. I’m still heartbroken. I feel deceived… I think that’s a big lie for me, just sort of fake who you were and to not say that in the beginning.”


Weeks after the end of their relationship, Alex admitted he was still angry at his ex-girlfriend and his friend who kept the secret from him.

“I haven’t spoken to him, I’m still angry at him – I haven’t spoken to both,” Alex revealed.

“I just honestly need time away to think. I’ve been having time out from everything. I miss her a little bit. I just don’t know.”

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