‘I Found Out That My Husband Calls Me ‘SWMBO’ In Text Messages To Friends But Am I The One In The Wrong For Ending Our Marriage?’

A woman has taken to the internet to vent after finding out her husband has been calling her ‘SWMBO’ in his text messages to his friends.

The unnamed woman said that she decided to end their relationship as she revealed how an ordinary day suddenly became the turning point in her marriage.

“From the moment our son was born, nothing changed for my husband. He absolutely hated telling me what his plans were,” she wrote.


“Would he be home in time for dinner? Could I book a haircut on a Saturday morning? Was he having drinks with his mates straight from work?” she continued.

“Who knew – because he certainly refused to tell me. He claimed he didn’t have to. It was a weird shift in our marriage that I hadn’t expected – this stubborn reluctance to tell us when he was going to participate in our lives.”

One night, her husband’s phone kept pinging while he was taking a shower. She then picked it up to see if it was something urgent but she just saw a group chat where her husband and his pals were planning a night out.

She saw that her husband turned down his friend’s invitation and blamed her for it even though he didn’t even ask her.

Her husband’s reply read: “Don’t think I can make it tonight. SWMBO will say no.”

“I was bemused – what did ‘SWMBO’ mean? It presumably alluded to me – but what did it stand for?” she went on.

When he confronted her husband, he said that it meant ‘She Who Must Be Obeyed.’


The wife was left furious and hit back: “It wasn’t a matter of ‘obeying’ me… It’s not called ‘asking permission’ like he’s a teenager and I’m his mother. It’s called respect for your family.”

She also said that she had been ‘reduced’ to an authoritarian figure instead of a loving, equal partner.

“And I knew in that moment, there was no coming back from that,” she said.

“I was never, ever, going to kiss, let alone sleep with, a man who called me that after 10 years together – even after becoming the mother of his son.”


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