Dad Taught Bullies A Lesson After They Called His 7-Year-Old Son A Monster

Jackson Bezzant, 7, was enjoying his breakfast at school when three older students suddenly approached him and called him ‘ugly,’ ‘a monster,’ and other names.

A teacher noticed the heartbreaking scene and stopped the cruel bullies but that was enough to bring Jackson’s father to tears.

Jackson was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by deformities of the chin, cheekbones, eyes, and ears. The young boy is almost deaf and underwent surgery to remedy his eye socket.

“One time, a woman walked past us, and we could hear her say, ‘Did you see that little boy’s face?’” said Dan, Jackson’s father.

When he heard about the heartbreaking scene at school, he expressed his feelings on Facebook.

“My heart is in pieces right now and my soul feels like its ripping from my chest and this beautiful young man my son Jackson has to endure a constant barrage of derogatory comments and ignorance like I’ve never witnessed,” Dan wrote on Facebook.

“He is called ugly and freak and monster on a daily basis by his peers at school. He talks about suicide and he’s not quite 8!

“He says he has no friends and everyone hates him. Kids throw rocks at him and push him shouting these horrific words and please please take a minute and imagine if this were your child.

“Take a minute to educate your children about special needs. Talk to them about compassion and love for our fellow man. His condition is called Treacher Collins. Maybe even look it up. He’s endured horrific surgery and has several more in the coming years.

“Anyway, I could go on … but please educate your children.

“Please share this. This shouldn’t be happening and to anyone.”

Dan’s post went viral and now many other children at Jackson’s school have reached out to him and his family.

“I want parents to see my post and feel my heart break,” Dan expressed. “Please educate your children and let them know that bullying is not OK.”

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