90% Of People Couldn’t Spot The Man’s Wife – Where Is She Hiding?

An old man has lost his wife and he needs your help in finding her before it gets dark outside.

Since your eyesight is probably better than that of the man you’re going to see in the picture below, we’ve got a very special task for you!

The gentleman below lost sight of his wife and he can’t find her anywhere. Help him find her before he goes crazy!


In the image above, you can see the old man gazing into the distance and trying desperately to locate his missus. Did she get lost? Or is she perhaps hiding from him on purpose?

To spot the old lady, you should definitely take a closer look and pay attention to small details that may appear unusual at first sight.

Have another try before scrolling down to view the solution!

Source – Pexels

Did you manage to find the man’s wife yet? If yes, then congratulations, you are one of few people who spotted her.

But if you’re still not seeing anything, worry not, because we are here to help you. The wife is hiding somewhere in the bush behind the man. Now that you know where she is, zoom in on that bush and solve the mystery!


If you think finding the missing lady was hard, wait until you see the challenge ahead! We have here another awesome picture puzzle that managed to leave viewers scratching their heads.

This time, you’re looking for a hidden face!


In this picture, you can see two boats with two people in each boat. But they’re not alone! The fifth face is hiding somewhere in the picture.

The face you’re looking for is not just any face. It appears it belongs to a water spirit of some sort.

Now that you’ve seen our clue, put in your best effort and find the hidden face before it disappears into the depths of the lake!


Did you find both hidden faces? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and puzzles, follow us on Facebook!

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