The little girl was fitted with a hearing aid, and for the first time, she hears her sister’s voice. This reaction is priceless.

A young mother from Georgia shared a very touching video on social media, capturing the moment her little daughter hears her sister’s voice for the first time.

The woman explains that her daughter was born prematurely, three months early. A week after birth, she was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis, a disease affecting the intestines and stomach. The child had to undergo antibiotic treatment, which led to hearing loss.

At such a young age, it’s challenging to determine the extent of the girl’s hearing. The parents decided to purchase a hearing aid to observe the difference in how she perceives the environment. The results surprised everyone. The baby’s initial reactions with the hearing aid were recorded on video, and the mother shared it on the internet.

“She reacted to most sounds, so we thought she could hear quite well. After what I saw today, not everything went as well as I thought,” says the mother.

The older sister says, “Little sister, little sister…”

The child becomes attentive, listens carefully, and then bursts into laughter. The little girl has a hearing aid, and for the first time, she hears her sister’s voice. This reaction is priceless.

“I’m smiling through tears. It was the first time she heard something clearly, that’s for sure,” Carol later explained. “It was such happiness! She became much more active and tries to talk more. You can simply say that the device had a significant impact on her.”

Users were genuinely moved to tears after watching the video. “I’m sobbing with joy. God is great! Wishing you good hearing and joy!” writes Diane Hepner-Anderson.

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