A woman gave birth to 2 pairs of twins with 7 years interval and was surprised both times

An interracial couple from Great Britain is raising four amazing children. Seems a happy and big family, but as soon as you learn more about them, you’ll be surprised.

In fact, a few years ago Elise gave birth to twins, which is already a rare phenomenon. However, this was a miracle, as the girls had different skin colors. One of them took after their dark-skinned father, and the second one – the light-skinned mother.

Seven years after their birth, Elise found out she was pregnant with twins again. Their happiness knew no limits. They could only sit and wait for the long-awaited babies for 9 months. When they came into this world, even those were surprised, who thought there was nothing left in this world that could surprise them.

Elise and Dean had twins with different skin-colors again! Someone even thought such a thing was impossible, but the children certainly belonged to this married couple. Thus, genetics is able to strongly surprise everyone not only once.

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